• General
• General
“How much does it cost?”
“Can you provide a ballpark cost estimate for our area?”
“Are there user licenses?”
At the end of every presentation, I get some version of these questions. Satelytics’ pricing structure is project-based, tailoring every solution to meet each customer’s needs. As a result, we do not list pricing on our website.
Good outcomes start with good data. At Satelytics, we believe you get what you pay for when it comes to satellite data — which is why we use commercial data, the bulk of our cost. It’s high-resolution imagery, and while expensive compared to free low-resolution data, commercial imagery allows us to offer more capabilities because you cannot detect or quantify anything smaller than the sensor’s spatial resolution. Many of our customers have come to us after first experimenting with low-resolution data analytics, promising the moon at a lower cost and not delivering.
High-resolution data yields accurate and specific results.
Commercial satellite imagery is priced by the land area being monitored, frequency of monitoring, and project duration. For every pricing inquiry, we require your exact area of interest (AOI) for monitoring — the more detail, the better. We help you avoid purchasing unnecessary data and get you the best price. We then give you exact costs for various frequencies and project duration options.
With detailed information on your AOI, we help you trim data costs.
Vendors of commercial satellite data typically provide cost incentives for more data purchased. Because data is the highest-cost ingredient in the “mixing bowl,” this also decreases the cost of Satelytics. For example, increasing the land area for monitoring does not increase the cost at a linear rate. If a vendor charges $1,000 for a 100 km2 area, that doesn’t mean they’ll apply the same rate for a 1,000 km2 area ($10,000) — in fact, it’s much less than that. The same goes for increasing the frequency of monitoring and project duration. More frequent data captures over a multiyear project will yield more optimized pricing versus a single analysis or short-term project.
Additionally, Satelytics doesn’t charge user fees or seat licenses. We want as many people within your organization as possible to benefit. We can also run any number of our algorithms in parallel, offering solutions to multiple business challenges simultaneously.
Want to learn more? Give us a call. We’ll return exact pricing and project information within a few business days!