Leak Detection
Continually monitor your gathering pipeline network or your transmission mainline length for leaks. For gathering pipelines, distinguish between hydrocarbon leaks and produced water leaks.

Right-of-Way Encroachments
Clearly see new structures, equipment, construction, roads, waterbodies, and other issues encroaching on the right-of-way. Direct immediate action from your field team.

Land Movement
Detect exposure events, land movements, erosion, and other issues that may threaten your assets.

Knowledge is power. Use the power of Satelytics to enhance your Environmental Health & Safety functions.
Employee Safety
Reduce the need to send personnel into dangerous terrain. Detect abnormalities and leaks before they turn into hazardous situations.
Regulatory Compliance
Reverse the “gotcha” game with regulators. Report on the 99.999% of operations going well, instead of the conversation focus being that 0.001% exception to compliance.
Remediation Programs
Identify remediation needs and monitor programs to ensure effectiveness and regulatory compliance.
Filings, Reports, & Audits
Results from Satelytics can be used to prepare documentation from simple filings to extensive audits for regulatory bodies.
Litigation Support
Wield historical data to apportion liability correctly in legal cases — saving time, effort, and cost.