• General
• General
As we mentioned in the opener of this series, uncertainty caused by outside influences is on the minds of energy leadership. Satelytics limits uncertainties by identifying risks and threats in large infrastructure areas. In the first part of this series, we outlined how our customers start on the path of geospatial analytics — identifying and grading areas according to risk potential. The results of these projects drive decisions on how to conduct monitoring projects now and into the future — the subject of today’s article.
For example, the outcomes of vegetation management surveys are not only useful for your maintenance team today — they can direct future planning as predictive data patterns emerge.
Much can be learned from applying past results to current and future scenarios, thus reducing uncertainty.
Customers are finding new ways to use Satelytics’ results to limit future uncertainty and risks:
Detect human activities like construction, illegal digging, vehicles in corridors, and erosion to assemble a holistic risk profile for your entire asset fleet.
Satelytics detects and accurately quantifies in the here and now, sending alerts a few hours after satellite overpass to reduce uncertainty. But today’s results are also the framework for predicting future pain points. Customers use our data to build their forecasting models and reduce uncertainty. Let’s talk about a certain future with Satelytics today.