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The second pillar of Satelytics: we provide actionable alerts to our customers to prevent negative consequences. This means providing analysis results for large infrastructure areas within hours of data capture. Here is our take on negative consequences and how geospatial analytics pushes the envelope of what is possible.
Each of the industries we serve faces similar challenges. Perhaps the most notable of these challenges is the requirement to monitor large asset areas. Negative consequences most often take some form of the following:
Loss of Product. For our oil & gas and gas utility customers, leaks along the value chain equate to valuable product that is not being sold. Our customers tell us that finding and fixing leaks promptly pays for the monitoring cost of Satelytics many times over. This is in addition to any fines that could be levied by governmental oversight. The same can be said for liquid hydrocarbon leaks, where spills on well pads and gathering systems can knock production offline.
For electric utility providers, it’s important to prevent power shut-offs due to vegetation interference. In addition to the loss of services, electric utilities are required to meet reliability standards set by governing bodies. Analogs can be found in agriculture, water, and other industry sectors.
Harm to the Environment. The early adopters of Satelytics saw geospatial analytics as a way to canvas the earth with highly accurate measurements of chemical and biological contaminants on land, water, and in the air that could cause harm. Today, Satelytics offers 40+ algorithms that can run simultaneously, many including quantification. Quantification is the holy grail of geospatial analytics, and something not many solutions provide. With quantified measurements, you have a better understanding of what’s going on within asset areas, enabling the focus to shift from remediation to prevention.
The Court of Public Opinion. As the environment has taken center stage in recent years, the court of public opinion has intensified. This has driven the growth of ESG programs, the transition to more renewable energy, and public commitments by industry leaders to reduce their carbon footprint. Arming themselves with a unique data set like Satelytics gives operators actionable alerts and data. They can then respond with timeliness and accurate information that can be shared publicly and with oversight bodies. Satelytics does not work for the government or regulators. With few exceptions, we work only for industry customers.
Documented remediation of leaks in a gas distribution network.
Learn from the successes of your peers who are utilizing geospatial data to prevent negative consequences and see how you can benefit too by setting up a Satelytics demonstration today.