Alerting to the smallest condition changes in closed mines.
Problem: Monitoring closed mines.
Solution: Harness geospatial analytics.
Benefit: Avoid disaster at remote sites.
Satelytics provides valuable services to mining customers throughout the lifecycle of a mine, monitoring waste rock dumps, tailings dams, mineral characterization, re-vegetation, acid mine drainage, and more with geospatial analytics. We monitor sites long-term to aid our customers in keeping their mines in compliance.
Monitor and measure mine sites remotely.
This extends to the closure process, giving customers peace of mind by monitoring closed sites. Below are three essential solutions Satelytics recommends for closed mine monitoring:
Geohazards. Land movement in and around mines is hazardous to employees and production. Satelytics’ Constant VigilanceTM algorithms alert to slope movements, slumping, and erosion. Our digital surface model provides rapid results versus measurement techniques like LiDAR, which require long processing times.
Change Detection. Identify and measure physical changes in mine sites with Satelytics. This includes encroachments on assets, construction, and illegal activity in and around closed mines.
Water Quality. Satelytics detects and quantifies an array of variables that affect water quality in holding ponds and catchments — heavy metals and nutrient loading, bathymetry, temperature, turbidity, and suspended solids. We also analyze what’s coming out of effluents, alerting to worrisome substances pouring into waterbodies.
Satelytics: a raft of solutions for mining applications.
Satelytics opens a new toolbox for mine managers with our Constant Vigilance™ monitoring. Keep an eye on active and closed mines — all without leaving the office.
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