• Oil & Gas,Pipeline
• Oil & Gas,Pipeline
It was a year of incredible growth for Satelytics. New projects, new algorithms, new customers — all exciting developments for a small Ohio company. Here is a quick overview of areas driving our growth in the oil & gas and pipeline sectors.
Advanced Leak Detection. Satelytics’ Constant VigilanceTM algorithms fill the gap between SCADA systems and boots on the ground for monitoring of remote well pads, gathering systems, and pipelines. Our algorithms for liquid hydrocarbon and produced water leaks detect surface spills down to a square foot in size. We also alert to below-grade leaks by monitoring vegetation health, which is often an indicator of damage before a leak breaches the surface.
We have seen renewed adoption of our liquid leak detection services this year, as industry leaders look to streamline operations in tough hiring markets and get ahead of environmental damages and other costly consequences. This trend will expand into the new year as increased regulatory and NGO pressures persist.
Methane Quantification. As regulation advances, so does the adoption of our methane algorithm. The ability to accurately measure leak rates in large asset areas drives our customers’ field response programs. We also are seeing a lot of interest in obtaining a total system leak value, something that is only possible with satellite coverage. No longer are emission factors acceptable; accurate quantification is a must for any forward-thinking compliance or ESG program.
Change Detection. Satelytics detects changes in our customers' asset areas in the forms of vehicles, illegal construction and digging, land movements, erosion and loss of cover, illegal hot tapping, and water crossings. Detection of activities and changes is a priority for our upstream and midstream customers to prevent threats from becoming disasters.
Change detection, methane, vegetation, and all Satelytics’ algorithms can be run simultaneously on a single set of data, providing alerts to these challenges. It's not too late in the year to start a project or survey your utility’s asset area; Satelytics can access imagery in as little as 24 hours after a contract is signed, and analytics are available a few hours after satellite overpass.
Call us today to ring in the new year with a whole new set of geospatial data for your company’s asset area!