• Water & Wastewater
• Water & Wastewater
Finding the right geospatial analytics solution often begins with addressing a critical business challenge. Satelytics doesn't stop there. Our platform is designed to tackle not just your primary challenge but also secondary and tertiary challenges — analyzing the same set of data at no significant additional cost. This multi-faceted approach has fueled our exceptional growth in recent years.
Engage one or twenty algorithms to solve multiple problems.
Nutrient loading in watersheds remains a pressing issue for our water industry customers. Human development continues to impact rivers and water bodies, making this an age-old challenge with modern consequences. Satelytics was founded to address exactly this threat, combining advanced science and AI to create Constant Vigilance™ algorithms that deliver precise, actionable insights. Even better, these algorithms serve multiple business needs, providing unmatched value and efficiency.
Measure chemical, biological, and physical aspects of water quality.
Some of the geospatial analyses we offer to help watershed customers address not only their primary concerns but also their secondary challenges include:
Many of these algorithms were developed in direct collaboration with our customers, ensuring they are tailored to real-world needs. Each one is field-calibrated for accuracy, and by leveraging satellite imagery, we can survey vast watershed areas in minutes — whether on a regular schedule or in response to environmental events. Results are delivered within hours of data capture, with every pixel analyzed meticulously.
What challenge is your company facing today? Let us help you solve not just one, but many. With Satelytics, you can take a proactive approach to risk mitigation and environmental stewardship, all for a single, cost-effective investment. Contact us to see how Satelytics can become your trusted partner in solving challenges, big and small.