• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
Those outside your industry don’t understand the complexity of the utility vegetation management (UVM) cycle, but we do with the help of UVM experts, ACRT Services.
UVM is a cost of doing business seldom contemplated by the public but necessary because 34% of electrical outages nationwide are caused by problems related to vegetation management. By partnering with ACRT Services, Satelytics redefines the economics of large-scale UVM operations and simultaneously decreases the number of outages caused by vegetation.
High-priority trees for removal or trimming are spread across your territory, waiting to be discovered. But with Satelytics, field crews can skip the search. Satelytics analyzes high-resolution imagery to produce alerts on individual trees, with specifics on coordinates, and even tree speciation, to facilitate location by field crews. This information is made available to field crews using Satelytics for the Non-Connected World to ensure the information is available outside cellular coverage areas
Strike Threat Potential
After swiftly handling high-priority trees, you can shift your focus to trees outside the corridor but tall enough to fall onto power lines if weakened by disease or storm damage. ACRT assisted Satelytics in creating an algorithm that calculates the area of expected line sway to determine strike threat potential. Satelytics then analyzes tree health, height, and speciation; soil moisture; weather influences; and topology to assign threat levels to trees near the corridor with the potential to fall onto power lines. Using this threat potential, you can prioritize subsequent actions outside the corridor.
Work Verification
We understand most utilities aren’t working alone and often contract with experts like ACRT Services to act on priority locations. As a result, you need eyes in the sky. You need to verify that the work was done before paying invoices. Satelytics offers a work verification function that alerts you to the trees removed and those not.
Subaquatic Vegetation
Like some of our customers, you may also own vast systems of reservoirs that feed electrical generation. Our customers have contracted Satelytics to monitor and measure subaquatic vegetation, alerting them to when hydrilla or eelgrass exhibit the potential to foul the water inlets. Let us do the same for you.
Trim your UVM budgets by letting Satelytics find the problems and send your experts only to those locations requiring expertise. In the process, you’ll reduce your grid outages caused by vegetation. More uptime, less cost. That’s Satelytics backed by the recognized expertise of ACRT Services.