• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
AI was the buzzword at DISTRIBUTECH 2024. Utilities, speakers, exhibitors: all were excited how AI and cloud computing can benefit and streamline business operations and safety in energy. Satelytics sits at the crossroads of environmental and operational safety with our AI-powered utility vegetation management (UVM) solutions. Here are the top questions specific to managing vegetation along utility corridors with Satelytics:
Can you identify individual trees?
Yes. Satelytics’ algorithms process high-resolution data, allowing individual trees to be identified — a helpful metric for asset managers monitoring stump count.
Can Satelytics speciate and locate unhealthy trees?
Yes and yes. Satelytics vegetation algorithms identify the spectral signature of trees by health and species. Health is an important attribute to understand, as many public community members are against cutting down healthy trees. Our algorithms have been field validated for accuracy, spotting unhealthy trees in need of culling. Speciation is also helpful for our forestry and vegetation management customers in monitoring regions facing infestation and blight, which increase the risk of trees falling on assets.
How accurate is your tree height measurement?
Satelytics measures tree height within 5% of the actual height. While this is not as accurate as lidar methods, the benefit of our measurement is results are received within hours, as opposed to the weeks or months to obtain lidar data.
Can Satelytics’ solution help crews responding in the field?
Every Satelytics alert includes location coordinates, severity, relation to company infrastructure, and an audit trail. We also provide Satelytics OTG™, our mobile platform that includes all the power of Satelytics in areas without cell service, so field crews know where and how to respond to an alert.
Can Satelytics help us with work verification?
Satelytics can scan circuits and asset regions after work has been completed to ensure that contractors carried out trimming according to what was laid out in the work contract. Whether individual trees or stands of trees that are still encroaching on the wire zone, our algorithms can verify that you benefit from every dollar spent.
AI is only beneficial if it solves real business challenges. Satelytics was designed to provide a seamless integration for our customers, addressing today’s biggest threats for the energy industry. Have a question we haven’t answered? Check out our FAQ channel or call us!