California Utilities to Spend Billions on Wildfire Mitigation

Press Release

California Utilities to Spend Billions on Wildfire Mitigation

Toledo, OH – February 25, 2020 – “California utilities filed wildfire mitigation plans with the state Public Utilities Commission” states an article from Utility Dive. The 2019 wildfire season was as bad as any on record with loss of life and environmental costs skyrocketing. These costs have pushed California utilities to the brink of failure both financially and in terms of services provided. Companies like Pacific Gas & Electric, Sand Diego Gas & Electric, Southern California Edison, and others are pledging to spend billions in proactive strategies to reduce wildfires and their consequences. These programs include hardware systems upgrading, vegetation control and management, electrical de-energization, inspection of equipment and right of ways (ROW), and many others.

Satelytics ROW and vegetation monitoring.

Satelytics monitors vegetation, ROW, and even wildfire burn scarring for its power clients on multiple projects in California and elsewhere. Our software uses spectral science along with machine learning data processing to give our clients the information they need to make informed decisions. The technology can take inspection personnel out of harms way and provide threat alerts in a matter of hours after aerial imagery is gathered. Satelytics’ software is data agnostic, meaning it can process data from any platform, and is not just limited to satellites. Satelytics is performing both archival analysis of wildfire events and forward reach monitoring for threats to assets of all types.   

Satelytics burn scar analysis.

Satelytics Inc., is a cloud-based geospatial analytics software suite.  Multi or hyper-spectral imagery is gathered from satellites, UAV, planes, and fixed cameras, and processed to provide both alerts and qualitative results for our customers. Data can be gathered on up to a daily basis and results sent to customers in hours. This includes the specific problem, location, magnitude, and even qualitative information, which minimize cost, impact, and operational disruption for our clients.

For more information, contact David Dunham,, (o) (419) 728 0060 extension #101,  (c) (701) 213 0294.