Satelytics Working with Enbridge and iPIPE to Complete Weekly Asset Monitoring

Press Release

Satelytics Working with Enbridge and iPIPE to Complete Weekly Asset Monitoring

Toledo, OH – February 14, 2020 – Satelytics Inc. is proud to be working with iPIPE partner Enbridge on weekly threat monitoring in the Bakken and Permian basins. Satelytics’ suite of Constant Vigilance algorithms is being used to identify hydrocarbon and produced water leaks as well as encroachment threats for the 11 members of iPIPE.

Enbridge is an engaged partner and has worked directly with the science team at Satelytics to provide information to improve its machine learning algorithms. Enbridge’s efforts with iPIPE and interaction with Satelytics shows their commitment to safety and environment. 

With the cooperation of the iPIPE member companies, Satelytics has been able to feed real world data to its hydrocarbon and produced water leak alert algorithms which are offered to customers along with encroachment and change analyses all as one tool to any number of users. Satelytics and iPIPE, are doing weekly satellite monitoring for leaks and alerts in the Bakken and Permian basins. Companies are using the results of this program to protect their assets as well as streamline their work-flow efforts on the ground. Assimilating data provided by Satelytics with existing internal programs is allowing companies to more safely monitor their assets.  

Satelytics Inc., is a cloud-based geospatial analytics software suite.  Multi or hyper-spectral imagery is gathered from satellites, UAV, planes, and fixed cameras, and processed to provide both alerts and qualitative results for our customers. Data can be gathered on up to a daily basis and results sent to customers in hours. This includes the specific problem, location, magnitude, and even qualitative information, which minimize cost, impact, and operational disruption for our clients.

As a consortium program, iPIPE, is currently directed by 11 members and one cost-share partner, including DCP Midstream, Enbridge, Energy Transfer Partners, Equinor, Goodnight Midstream, Hess Corp., Marathon Pipeline, Oasis Midstream Partners, ONEOK, TC Energy, Whiting Petroleum, and the North Dakota Industrial Commission (cost-share partner).

For more information, contact David Dunham,, (o) (419) 728 0060 extension #101,  (c) (701) 213 0294.