• Power Utilities
• Power Utilities
It’s happened to the best of utilities around the world: a tree falls on a power line, chaos ensues. Power outages, wildfires, infrastructure damage, and more can all be caused by one neglected tree. But how do you determine which tree among hundreds of thousands could be your organization’s next headache?
Satelytics crafted a suite of utility vegetation management (UVM) algorithms with the field expertise of our partners at ACRT Services, including measuring tree height and identifying strike potential threats.
Before beginning a UVM project, we obtain our customers’ centerline coordinates, wire zone width, and the overall dimensions of their rights-of-way (ROWs) to establish alert thresholds. From here, we can accurately alert customers to wire zone encroachments, determined by proximity and tree height.
Satelytics enables the measurement of tree height with a single click.
To measure tree height, Satelytics analyzes stereo pair imagery: two images taken about a minute apart that together give us the perception of three-dimensional depth. This allows us to create a digital surface model (DSM), providing measurement from exposed ground to treetops within 5% accuracy.
Our UVM algorithms process commercially available satellite imagery of the highest resolution, allowing for the detection of individual trees and branches. Trees are tagged with their exact coordinates so they can be identified and tracked for changes in subsequent surveys.
Trees near distribution lines can become hazards between trimming cycles.
Using this data, along with monitoring tree health, Satelytics can determine which trees in or near a ROW are strike potential threats. For example, a 98-foot-tall tree standing 40 feet from a line presents risk, should it become stressed and topple over. An event could be triggered by disease, inclement weather, or any other unpredictable influence.
Satelytics alerts you to these trees so disaster can be prevented, taking the guesswork out of your UVM program. Don’t let one tree trip up your entire operation. Give us a call today.